Hybrid Meeting (zoom/chambers)

Re: Golden Voices Reconnecting & Rebuilding Project

Celia Sankar, Executive Director
Christopher Elliott, Business Development Officer

Re: Sidewalk Lease Agreement - 108 Lifestyle and Sporting Goods Ltd. 

At the August 13th By-Law and Planning Committee Meeting the following resolution was passed:

That Council approve a lease agreement between the City of Elliot Lake and 108 Lifestyle and Sporting Goods  for a portion of sidewalk on 136 Ontario Avenue, for the purpose of a seasonal display of clothing and merchandise; and

That the appropriate by-law be passed.

Re: Sidewalk Lease for Pedestrian Access Ramp – Elliot Lake Hearing Services

At the August 13th By-Law and Planning Committee Meeting the following resolution was passed:

That Council enter into a lease agreement with Elliot Lake Hearing Services, for the purpose of maintaining a barrier free access ramp at 6 Saskatchewan Road; and

That the appropriate By-Law be passed.

re: Department Updates - April to June

At the August 13th By-Law and Planning Committee Meeting the following resolution was passed:

That the committee forward the memo from the Director of Clerks and Planning Services regarding department updates - April to June - to Council for information.

Being a By-Law to authorize the entering into an assignment and assumption of purchase agreement between the Estate of Andre Bujold and Jeff Rose for PIN 31623-0379 on Fox Drive. 

Being a by-law to authorize the leasing of certain municipal lands for the purpose of establishing a public pedestrian access ramp to Elliot Lake Hearing Services Ltd. 

Being a by-law to authorize the execution of the Agreement of Purchase and Sale between the City of Elliot Lake and the Estate of Diane Day for 21 Forest Place. 

Memo from the Manager of Economic Development 


Re: Acquisition of property on Forest Place

As this matter deals with a proposed or pending acquisition of property by the municipality it may be discussed in closed session as per Section 239(2)(c) of the Municipal Act, 2001 

re: Offer to Purchase Residential Lot - Gauthier Place

As this matter deals with a proposed or pending disposition of property by the municipality it may be discussed in closed session as per Section 239(2)(c) of the Municipal Act, 2001 

Memo from the Chief Administrative Officer


re: HR Updates - vacancies, recruitment 

As this matter deals with personal matters about identifiable individuals as well as labour relations or employee negotiations, it may be discussed in closed session as per Section 239(2)(b) and (d) of the Municipal Act, 2001

Being a By-Law to Confirm the Proceedings of Council at its Regular Meeting held on Monday, August 26, 2024