Minutes of a special meeting of the Council of The Corporation of The City of Elliot Lake

Hybrid Meeting (zoom/chambers)
  • A. Wannan, Acting Mayor
  • C. Flintoff, Councillor
  • R. Bull, Councillor
  • N. Mann, Councillor
  • M. Seidel, Councillor
  • L. Morrissette, Councillor
  • N. Bray, Director of Clerks and Planning Services
  • A. Sonnenburg, Director of Finance and Treasurer
  • B. Goulding, Acting Director of Public Works
  • K. Kluke, Director of Recreation & Culture

Councillor __ declared an indirect pecuniary interest with respect to item 8. Other Business, with respect to cheque number__ on cheque write no. __, as the cheque was payable to his employer.​

Mr. Thomas spoke to items 6.1 and 6.2.

re: Lease of municipal property to Mt. Dufour Ski Area and Memorandum of Understanding for operation of the Ski Hill

  • Res. 466/23
    Moved By:C. Flintoff
    Seconded By:N. Mann

    That Council hereby authorize the entering into a Land Lease Agreement and Memorandum of Understanding with Mt. Dufour Ski Area for the purpose of operations of the Ski Area;

    And that the financial consideration contained in the Memorandum of Understanding with Mt. Dufour Ski Area be preapproved for the 2024 Operational Budget

    And that the appropriate By-Laws be passed.



re: Centennial Arena - Continued Structure Mitigation Efforts

  • Res. 467/23
    Moved By:N. Mann
    Seconded By:R. Bull

    That Council approve the use of the negotiation method as described in the City’s procurement policy to sole source the continued provision of services to mitigate the potential for collapse of the Centennial Arena to Wood Research and Development Canada at an upset limit of $86,027 plus applicable taxes;

    And that the associated costs be drawn from the City’s Buildings and Facilities Capital Reserve.


Being a by-law to authorize the entering into a lease agreement for lands with Mt. Dufour Ski Area.

  • Res. 468/23
    Moved By:M. Seidel
    Seconded By:R. Bull

    That By-Law 23-106 be passed.


Being a by-law to authorize a Memorandum of Understanding with the Mt. Dufour Ski Area for the general terms for collaboration and future operation of the Ski Hill. 

  • Res. 469/23
    Moved By:C. Flintoff
    Seconded By:N. Mann

    That By-Law 23-107 be passed.


Being a By-Law to Confirm the Proceedings of Council at its Special Meeting held on Thursday November 16th, 2023.

  • Res. 470/23
    Moved By:M. Seidel
    Seconded By:R. Bull

    That By-Law 23-108 be passed.

  • Res. 471/23
    Moved By:N. Mann
    Seconded By:C. Flintoff

    That this meeting adjourn at the hour of 5:14 PM.​
