CITY OF ELLIOT LAKECITY COUNCIL -SPECIAL MEETINGAGENDAThursday, January 30, 2025 7:00 P.m. - 8:00 P.m.Hybrid Meeting (zoom/chambers)1.CALL TO ORDER 2.ROLL CALL 3.DECLARATIONS OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST 4.PUBLIC INPUT SESSION 5.PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS 6.REPORTS 6.1Report from the Special Projects Manager 1.Report from the Special Projects Manager - Gas Tax Transit.pdfRe. Elliot Lake Transit Gas Tax Support6.2Report from the Special Projects Manager 1.Report from the Special Projects Manager - Rogers Arena Project Update.pdf2.Quote_67145_R1__(2025-01-09_1147)_OA.pdf3.0281_001.pdfre: Rogers Arena Project Update7.NOTICES OF MOTION 8.CLOSED SESSION BUSINESS 9.ADDENDUM 10.BY-LAWS 11.CONFIRMATORY BY-LAW 11.1By-Law 25-11 1.25-11 - Confirmatory By-Law - January 30, 2025.pdfBeing a By-Law to Confirm the Proceedings of Council at its Special Meeting held on Thursday, January 30th, 2025.12.ADJOURNMENT No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.25-11 - Confirmatory By-Law - January 30, 2025.pdf1.Report from the Special Projects Manager - Gas Tax Transit.pdf1.Report from the Special Projects Manager - Rogers Arena Project Update.pdf2.Quote_67145_R1__(2025-01-09_1147)_OA.pdf3.0281_001.pdf